Roses are a beloved part of our gardens, offering a wide variety of styles and colors to suit and landscape or need. Here are some of the types of roses that thrive in Virginia, Maryland, or West Virginia and their uses.
Climbing Roses
Add grace and nostalgia to any garden. Perfect for draping over walls, fences, pillars, posts, trellises, or entranceways, climbing roses require very little pruning and are nearly all repeat bloomers, making them a great choice for our region’s climate.
David Austin English Roses
After over fifty years of breeding, these roses combine the classic beauty and fragrance of old roses with the wider color selection, repeat-blooming, and disease resistance of modern varieties—well-suited to our weather conditions.
Floribunda Roses
Ideal for borders or containers, these lower-growing roses feature clusters of flowers that bloom freely throughout the season, offering a vibrant show of color that thrives in our gardens more easily than hybrid teas or grandifloras.
Grandiflora Roses
Tall and elegant, these roses bloom repeatedly throughout the season. With clustered blossoms and slightly shorter stems than hybrid tea roses, they make a striking addition to any garden in Virginia.
Shrub/Landscape Roses
Known for their ease of care, these roses are perfect for our local gardens. Disease-resistant and quick-growing, they require minimal pruning and provide a long seasonal display of color.
Tea Roses
Tall, elegant plants that produce classic long-stemmed roses. With individual blossoms that bloom throughout the season, hybrid tea roses are a popular choice for gardeners in the Mid-Atlantic thanks to their stunning colors and flower form.
Traditional or Climbing Rose Varieties Available at Meadows Farms
Remember, the roses listed below are just a selection of the varieties that Meadows Farms carries. Please call your local Meadows Farms for other varieties or special requests.
Bred from ‘Fragrant Cloud’ this continual blooming intensely fragrant climbing rose with pointed buds open into fully double blooms of salmon, with a brownish cast. Very beautiful, yet unusual. Large mid-green foliage. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
One of the finest and most popular red climbers. Bright scarlet, 3″ semi-double, cupped blooms produced in clusters with a light fragrance set against dark green foliage. A continual bloomer. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
It is one of the most eye-catching and beautiful of all the striped roses. Large semi-double 4″ blooms (petals10-12) of velvety, scarlet-red striped with white. The long lasting blooms are produced in large sprays and are blessed by a spicy/sweet apple fragrance. The vigorous disease-resistant continually blooming plant is clothed with sparkling, deep-green foliage that sets off to perfection the superb blooms. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
One of the most profuse blooming of all yellow climbers. Semi-double 4″ blooms of golden-yellow with ruffled petals on an upright continual blooming nearly thorn-less plant that makes a good pillar. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
The most strikingly colorful of all climbing roses. Large trusses of medium sized, semi-double 4″ blooms (petals 12+) of cherry-red, overlaid, shaded and blended with gold. They open fully to show rich deep golden centers. An upright continually blooming plant with dark-green glossy foliage. Very vigorous and easy to grow in inferior soil. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
The yardstick against which all repeat flowering climbers are judged! Silvery, blush-pink, 3” double flowers with nice form produced in profusion on a great repeat blooming plant. May be grown as a shrub, a climber or great for growing into trees. Deciduous. Very fragrant. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Pretty rich pink, cup-shaped buds gradually open to a deeply cupped flower, later developing into a broad, full-petalled, shallow cup of a soft pink, which is paler at the outer edges. A nice rounded, bushy growth habit with plentiful green foliage. A good Old Rose fragrance with just a hint of raspberry. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Exquisite flowers of a soft yellow color. The blooms start off beautifully cupped, later opening out to form a rosette shape. Each bloom is packed with numerous small petals. A pleasant Tea Rose fragrance, this variety is very free flowering variety, which repeats well. Excellent green foliage and a compact, bushy habit. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Beautiful deep rich crimson flowers are produced freely and with excellent continuity. Rosette flowers have a pleasing, fruity fragrance. Short, bushy growth makes it an excellent shrub. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
The cup shaped flowers are of medium size. Their color is an unusually rich, pure yellow. There is a medium-strong, fresh tea rose fragrance, with a cool violet character typical of its color group. It has attractive, smooth green foliage. Good repeat-flowering from early summer onwards. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
The young buds are a rich orange-red. These open to form chalice-shaped blooms, filled with loosely-arranged petals. Each petal has a salmon pink upper side which contrasts beautifully with the attractive golden-yellow reverse. Flowers have a pleasant, warm, tea fragrance with hints of spiced apple and cloves. Mid-green leaves have attractive, slightly bronzed tones when young, Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
The flowers of this rose commence as charming peachy pink cups.. Each bloom has a perfect ring of creamy-apricot waxy petals enclosing numerous smaller petals. Eventually the petals turn back to form a large, domed, creamy-white flowers. The overall effect is almost pure white. The fragrance is generally light but has strong elements of clove at one stage. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Like Julia Child’s cooking, the fragrance of this rose is a delight to the senses having a mild licorice scent. Buttery golden yellow 4″ blooms (petals 20+) cover this continual blooming plant. Excellent in the flowerbed or as a landscape specimen plant. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Unique among bi-color roses, the reverse coloring demands a double-take. Each petal bears darker bronzy-red on the outside and lighter golden-orange on the inside. As the pointed buds open into full, supped, old-fashioned blooms an array of shades dance and blend, and the effect is exotic. Color combined with clean, deep green foliage make this robust, upright winner worth another look! Large, semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Very vigorous. Deciduous. Slightly fragrant. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Very long, elegant buds open into lovely, large, 4″ double blooms that are a most unusual color combination of lavender toward the center, gradually shading to smoky plum-purple toward the edges. Add to this the fact that it is blessed with a wonderful, strong fruity perfume. The flowers are produced on long stems for cutting. A tall continually blooming upright bush. Makes a good cut flower. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Next to ‘Peace’ it is the most widely grown rose in the world. Pink 3-4″ blooms are borne singly and in clusters have a cupped, high centered form. One can see it growing in almost all gardens in England and throughout the US. Makes a good cut flower. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Big fat buds open to very double old-fashioned flowers of deep velvet purple overlaid with a wisp of smoke…a purple haze for the garden. Strong scent of clove and lemony citrus blossom. Medium, semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Like its parent Knock Out, this bright new champ has superior resistance to black-spot and powdery mildew. The bold red, single 3″ bloom will be a show-off in containers, hedging and just about any place a cheerful color is added to the landscape.
Golden-yellow medium to large flowers in small clusters, with a cupped, ruffled bloom. Medium-sized bushy form with medium, semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Vigorous grower. Deciduous. Not fragrant. Repeat bloomer. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Adds an elegant and dramatic look to gardens with its cascading masses of tiny, buttery yellow blooms, which cover the arching branches all summer. Propagates effortlessly from cuttings. Lady Banks’ roses bloom on two- to three-year-old wood. Well-drained soil supplemented with organic matter.
Gorgeous, classically formed 5+” blooms on a very vigorous plant. The color is a striking blend of phlox-pink and creamy yellow with orange tones (natural genetic color mutation) having a pleasant fruity fragrance. A sport of the world’s most famous rose ‘Peace’. This continually blooming rose makes a good cut flower. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Lovely, long pointed buds open to globular flowers of dark velvety red. The 4-5” blooms contain a strong citrus scent. A must in any flower arrangements. The bush is nicely shaped with semi-glossy foliage. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Beautiful, large, heavy cupped to high centered 6″ blooms of golden primrose-yellow with soft rose-pink shadings on what should be a strong growing continual blooming bush with large, rich-green, leathery foliage. Makes a good cut flower. Deciduous. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
This rich, deep rose-pink beauty produces elegant buds that open into large, fully double 5″ blooms (petals 32) which are borne on long stems for cutting. The perfume is strong, heady old damask rose fragrance. A vigorous, strong, upright continual blooming growing bush with dark green foliage. Well-drained soil supplemented with organic matter.
An all-time favorite hybrid tea with bright orange-red blend blooms and a fragrance to match its strong color and character. Can be prone to mildew and will require protection if planted where temperatures drop below freezing. Continual blooms, 30-35 petals. Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.