Water Plants



Water plants represent yet another form of landscaping. Yes, it is not for everyone. But more and more homeowners are accenting their existing landscape with a water feature. This feature doesn’t have to be large. You can start small and then “grow” and expand your water feature as you get more involved. The bottom line is that having a water garden feature in the landscape is relatively easy to care for and maintain.

The first thing is to choose the site. This site will need to be in full sun, have access to electricity, and have access to water. These plants are sun lovers. The water feature will need electricity to cycle the water with movement. You don’t want stagnant water. As we all know, water evaporates, and you will need to replenish it when needed.


Most fall into three categories: oxygenators, floaters, and anchors. Oxygenators are plants that help add oxygen to the water for the plants and the fish. Popular oxygenators include Parrots Feathers, Water Clovers, Horsetails, and Cat Tails. Floaters are plants that float freely on the surface, such as the Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce. Anchor plants are planted in the bottom of the water pond. Hardy Water Lilies and the Water Lotus are two good examples of anchor plants.

All these plants are essential to the health of your water pond feature.

Lastly, consider having fish in your pond. Koi is the most popular type of fish. They hide amongst all the plants and are so much fun to care for and watch.

So, come see us—IT’S WATER PLANTS TIME!!! I just came in from walking around the plants. It’s a pretty awesome sight. If you are “still on the fence” and just thinking about it, then come see us.


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