But the only downside to this early November warming trend is that we are drier than normal. KEEP ALL THESE NEWLY PLANTED PLANTS WATERED! We need to continue watering new trees and shrubs until the ground freezes. We NEVER want plants to go dry during a cold spell.
Here are some other bullet-point gardening tips to think about this month:
- Now is an excellent time to dig up and divide overcrowded iris, daylilies, hostas, and others. Be sure to add organic matter to the soil before replanting.
- Some of you have poinsettia plants that have lived and thrived since last year. Now is the time to start the short-day treatment to get your poinsettia to “bloom” for Christmas. This year, to get your poinsettia to show color, you need cool night temperatures and twelve hours of undisturbed darkness.
- You can safely plant tulip bulbs. However, they thrive in cooler soil temperatures, so make sure to plant the bulbs 12” deep.
- If you love to feed the birds, now is an excellent time to set out the birdfeeders. AND – a bird feeder makes a great holiday gift to someone.
- Because of this warm trend, now is NOT a good time to prune evergreens. I use the Virginia Tech Shrub Pruning Guide for reference. According to this calendar, November is an ideal month to prune evergreens. But, with our warmer weather this year, I have adjusted to having customers hold on pruning until we have some frost and freezing weather that sends our evergreens into a dormant state; then, we can safely shape and prune them. Let’s hope this happens near Thanksgiving so we can use some of these cuttings for holiday decorating.
- Closer to Thanksgiving is the time to apply our last feeding to our lawns. This timely feeding aids in the development of a strong root system, which will help your lawn withstand drought conditions next summer.
- Take a walk through your gardens as the fall season winds down. Reflect on your gardens’ successes and failures this year. Make notes on a tablet for new things to try and things to fix next spring.
Is now the best time to plant Rhododendrons? How to amend the soil and should I use Espoma Biotone to fertirlize it? How deep should I plant it? Thanks for getting back with me.
First, thank you for sending me your gardening question.
And, with a resounding YES – now is a great planting time. We have been experiencing a warm November that has kept our soil temperature at 60 degrees. This soil temperature coupled with all the rain that we have received recently makes planting now about as good as it gets. With planting rhododendrons keep in mind that these plants like a little shade and they need amended soil. So, get some compost to add to your existing soil. Be sure to get a hole that is wider than in depth and plant so that your rhododendron is slightly mounded out of the ground. Having it mounded will also help with proper drainage that rhododendrons require. Lastly, using ESPOMA BIO TONE is the best at the time of planting. Sprinkle Bio Tone in the hole so that it comes into direct contact with the roots of the plant. Doug
As a horticulturist and professional pant pathologist I do read your columns and generally agree with your advise and conclusions.
However, I take exception to your recommendation to plant tulip bulbs 12 in deep. A 6 inch planting depth is sufficient for bulbs to receive the cold period they require to form the flower buds.. I spent 6 months at the Laboratory for Flower Bulb Research in the Netherlands. They would never make such a recommendation unless the bulbs were being dug up and destroyed by squirrels or other animals.
First, thank you for reading my blogs and secondly, thank you for taking the time to share your professional opinion with planting bulbs. I will now have to rethink what I have been taught over the years from professional plant people about planting tulip bulbs in our zone 7 climate. Again, thank you. Doug