So, this past Thursday was the Spring Equinox! What does that mean for your garden?
Important – Keep This in Mind
We must remember that our last REGULAR frost here is usually between April 9th and April 20th. However, according to the National Weather Service, we got down to 32 degrees five years ago on May 10th. So do hold off on planting tender veggies like tomatoes, green beans, corn, peppers, and eggplant or annual flowers (like marigolds, petunias, geraniums, etc.).
To be safe, I don’t plant tender veggies directly in the ground until around the first of May, only after checking the long-range forecast. Remember, Mother Nature can’t read, so even a mild spring can occasionally have an extra chilly night or two. I check the long-range forecast every couple of days during March and April.
What We Can Do Now
However, now is a great time to prune trees or shrubs that have yet to bloom. Many blooming shrubs (like azaleas, etc.) have already formed their buds, so pruning now would be cutting off potential flowers, but for your junipers, boxwoods, etc., now is the perfect time.
Let’s Begin to Fertilize
Now is also the time to begin fertilizing your indoor plants. Our days are over two hours longer than at the Winter Solstice in December, and our indoor plants are waking up and ready to start growing for the summer. Some fertilizer would be appreciated at this point. Remember to give them what they need. Most plants grown for the beauty of their foliage should get “even” numbers (10-10-10 or 20-20-20), and plants grown for their fruit or flowers should get foods higher in phosphorus (12-36-14, for example). A few plants need different numbers, so either Google it or ask us! Orchids, for example, even though they are grown for their flowers, should be fed even numbers.
It’s Time to Clean Up Your Garden
Now would also be a great time to finish cleaning up your garden if you haven’t already done so. Get the rest of those weeds out of there before they take off and take over. You still have time to enrich your soil with a few inches of compost so your soil will be refreshed and ready to go. And if you, like me, really want to get your hands dirty, now is a good time to plant onion or potato sets or hardy veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, etc.
Yes! Your Garden is Waking Up!
So it’s spring, and our gardens are finally waking up. Happy Spring!