Reset Yourself This Fall


Here we are in early October. Gardening always has some challenges thrown our way. This year, our number one challenge has been dryness. We need Mother Nature to continue delivering rain weekly, especially since we just experienced one of the warmest months of September on record.

Many of our plants are now in the midst of dropping leaves and going dormant. Some people look at this stage with sadness. I get it. We, as gardeners, have some sorrow for our plants because they change our gardening routines. This is very natural. It happens every year. We need to reset ourselves about plants and get used to the fact that some of our nature friends, like hummingbirds, butterflies, etc., have left us. But, everything will be back come spring. This is one reason so many people love it when spring finally arrives.


One way to reset ourselves is to bring the outdoors inside. Add houseplants or rocks from the river around the house, grow herbs on the window sill, or build a small pile of firewood and stack it near the fireplace. For now, one of the things we can do is to bring in a dose of fall goodness by incorporating fall colors from nature. Then, later in the year, we can bring in fresh greenery to make arrangements to sit on our tables or mantles for the holidays. A living Christmas tree will bring in that fresh outdoor scent. The bottom line is that we want to add more nature to our indoor décor.

Another way to reset ourselves is to take advantage of the lovely fall and winter days to get outside and admire the beauty of our plants, which are leafless and dormant. We want to listen to nature and the wind. We want to marvel at the structural beauty of our plants. And, be proud of ourselves for how we have cared for them all these years.

Another way to reset ourselves is to hang birdfeeders and invite birds to visit our homes and gardens. I love watching all the birds at my feeders. I keep binoculars nearby and get my grandkids to watch the birds with me.

It is a scientifically proven fact that we are at more peace being around plants and nature. So, enjoy the beauty of fall. Look at all the positives that our fall season presents.

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