Spring Equinox: What That Means for Your Garden

Hello spring and welcome the spring equinox

So, this past Thursday was the Spring Equinox! What does that mean for your garden? Important – Keep This in Mind We must remember that our last REGULAR frost here is usually between April 9th and April 20th. However, according to the National Weather Service, we got down to 32 degrees five years ago on … Read more

A Shamrock for St. Patrick’s Day

Getting a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day? Here's how to care for them.

Today is St. Patrick’s Day! Did you get a shamrock as a gift or treat yourself to one? Here are ​five interesting facts about them: The average of finding a four-leafed clover is about one in 10,000! A Japanese farmer, Shigio Obara, bred a clover with 56 leaves. “I never dreamed of seeing this many … Read more

Crabgrass and Forsythia: What’s the Connection?

What is the link between crabgrass and forsythia?

It’s mid-March. Spring will officially be here in less than two weeks. Up to this point, we have been experiencing a harsher winter than we have had in the past few winters. Our plants have broken dormancy in the last couple of years, and many early spring bloomers—such as forsythia—have been in bloom. But, not … Read more

March Gardening Chores and Tasks

March Gardening Thoughts and Chores

Finally, March is here, which means spring is officially here soon. Yeah! March is the month that we gardeners have been looking forward to, more so this year than ever because of how rough our winter has been up to this point. It has been a few years since we have experienced a winter like … Read more

Vegetable Gardening and Rotating Crops

Vegetable gardening

Every year, more and more people are trying to grow their fruits and vegetables. Seeds are now available. I talk to people every day while they are looking for seeds. Time is now to sow some seeds to start, especially the cole crop veggies such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, collards, kale, etc.—the leafy veggies that … Read more

Five Ways to Kill and Not Kill a Houseplant


Five Ways to Kill a Houseplant Don’t worry about finding out what conditions your new plant needs. Put it anywhere you like. If the tag or the person who sold you that plant says sun, go ahead and put it in that dark corner behind the couch. Don’t bother checking the soil to see if … Read more

Pet-Safe Houseplants

Know what are pet-safe houseplants

NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION ON INDOOR PLANTS Well, we are now into the new year. Houseplants were very popular over the December holiday. I wrote a blog last week with a tip for gardeners to add some houseplants for the winter to help fight off the winter blues. Like everything in life, not all houseplants … Read more

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