Valentine’s Day: A Day for Romance, or Revelry

A box of chocolates for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day:  A day of gentle sighs, pink ribbons, red roses—or a pagan festival rich with drunken revelry and young men and women being matched up by lottery—at last for the duration of the festival? The ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia was celebrated every year on February 15th.  It was a festival of fertility in … Read more

Curing the Winter Blues With Hellebores

A collection of hellebore plants

Hellebores are truly winter’s most interesting evergreen perennial.  We can have color from any time between December through April when nothing else is growing let alone in bloom.  Not only do hellebores bloom at a time of year when we are desperate for some color, they are also deer resistant. We just experienced our coldest … Read more

Groundhogs, Woodchucks, Whistle Pigs?

Groundhog chewing on some grass

This coming Friday is Groundhog’s Day.  So here are a few interesting facts about Groundhogs… Groundhogs are not related to hogs at all but are marmots closely related to squirrels.  They are basically a giant ground squirrel. They’re widely distributed across North America from northern Alabama all the way up to Alaska. They truly hibernate … Read more

Got Squirrels?

A small squirrel in the branch of a tree

Sunday, January 21, was Squirrel Appreciation Day.  What?  I’m supposed to appreciate these fuzzy little things that destroy my garden?  Well…Yes. The word ‘squirrel’ comes from the Anglo-Norman word esquirel with roots in the Greek word skiouros meaning ‘shadow-tailed.’  A group of squirrels is called a “scurry” (a Scurry of Squirrels—appropriate).  They are native to every … Read more

Growing Small Fruit In Your Landscape

Cluster of blueberries still on their bush

Here we are in mid-January after having some of the coldest days on record for the Richmond area.  It is hard to want to get outside in the gardens with this type of weather.  The best strategy is to stay inside where it is warm and contemplate how you want to garden this year. One … Read more

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