BONNIE’S GARDEN – Vegetable Garden Diseases: What To Do, How To Prevent

I’ve already had several questions about how to avoid problems in vegetable gardens, so thought it seemed timely to repost this blog on preventing and/or treating problems. Our garden vegetables are prone to certain diseases.  Our best defense is knowledge and good cultural practices. Diseases are opportunistic—tending to attack stressed plants.  Starting with healthy organic-rich … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN: Vampires? No, Just Mosquitoes

There are plenty of natural mosquito repellents you can use in your garden

Considering the number of customers I’ve had looking for plants to repel mosquitoes, I thought I’d repost this blog from a couple of years ago… Swirling cloaks, spooky music, and a voice with a Hungarian accent saying “Good E-e-e-vening.” Or incredibly annoying little insects buzzing around your face and feasting on every square inch of … Read more

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