DOUG’S GARDENING BLOG – Lucky Bamboo: My Houseplant Highlight for January

Lucky bamboo in a pot

ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY AS WE BEGIN THE NEW YEAR? Technically, lucky bamboo is not a bamboo at all, but cane cuttings of Dracaena sanderiana. Dracaena sanderiana is sometimes referred to as the Ribbon Plant: loose rosette of narrow white-striped leaves on white-striped trunks. It has been an Asian symbol of good fortune and prosperity … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – My 2020 Garden Resolutions

How many New Year’s resolutions do we actually keep? You go to the gym in January and there’s always a waiting line for the first available treadmill. By March, not only is there no line, but there are several vacant treadmills waiting. My Three 2020 Garden Resolutions I’m better at keeping the ones I make … Read more

GARDEN TIME with DOUG – Dish Gardens

Dish garden

DISH GARDENS ARE A UNIQUE AND POPULAR GIFT ITEM Dish gardens are, in effect, miniature landscapes. It is hard to find an office that does not have at least one florist dish garden sitting on top of a desk or file cabinet. Basically, a dish garden in a container that contains three or more assorted … Read more

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