Getting Ready for Fall Planting Season


Are you a new homeowner? Or do you want to re-do your existing landscape? Does it look old and worn out? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then August is the time to really ask questions about planting and plants and do plant research about what you want to accomplish with the plantings this fall.

Fall is the best time to plant. This is because our soil tends to have good moisture, the temperature is cooling off, and plant roots develop quicker and better in cooler soil temperatures. If you want to remove old, overgrown shrubs and trees, August is the time to do so. In other words, August is an excellent month to do all the preparation work needed for the upcoming fall planting season.

Knowing Your Soil

How well do you know your soil? Do you know its pH? Is there some good organic matter in the soil? Or is it hard pan clay soil? All of this is important to know now. Now is an excellent time to do a soil test. A soil test will give you a complete soil analysis, essential information if you want all your new plants to thrive.

Study the Light

Another important aspect of being a successful planter this fall is studying the sunlight in these different areas of your property. Plants suitable for any exposure—full sun, part sun, part shade, or shade—are available. It comes down to “the right plant in the right location.”

Know a Plant’s Growing Dimensions

One of the biggest mistakes a new homeowner may make in selecting plants is not studying the eventual growing dimensions of the plants. So many homeowners fall in love with the look of a particular plant without keeping the growing habit in mind where they decide to plant. In a year or two, the plant will have outgrown its location. I jokingly tell customers that all the plants in the garden center are like puppies—cute and small. It is easy to like the look of the plant. But, know how it is going to grow.

The bottom line: To be a successful planter this fall, learn more about your soil, know the sun exposure, study the growing dimensions of plants, and plant accordingly. And plant properly.

Learn Watering Techniques

Lastly, learn to water correctly. New plants need to be babied when it comes to watering. The roots have not spread out yet. Concentrate your slow, deep, thorough watering at the tree’s base. This is the area where the roots are located. The plant has not had time to expand its root system.


Come and see us through August and the upcoming fall planting season, and allow us to service you for all your plants and plant products you need.


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