Gardening Trends in 2025


First, Happy New Year to all. Typically, January is when there is not too much activity outside with the cold, dreary days. But now is a good time to think about what you want to do come spring. As you sit in your favorite chair with a fire in the fireplace and look out the window, think about some of these popular gardening trends gaining momentum as we enter 2025 and are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners and gardeners.

Here is a list of some of the more popular gardening trends for 2025:


Having houseplants in your home environment continues to be a strong and popular trend. Everyone wants to have some green plants in their lives. Houseplants are popular whether you own a home, a condo, or an apartment. Houseplants are referred to as “clean air machines.” NASA research has proven that houseplants clean the air that we breathe. Through photosynthesis, houseplants take out harmful air pollutants and produce clean air. With these high-rise condominiums being so popular, millennials and zoomers want some “green” included in the house interior design.


The industry is playing catch-up by creating and producing more organic products to keep pace with the demand. I sense the pendulum swinging with customers toward using more environmentally friendly products. Homeowners and gardeners are becoming more conscientious and knowledgeable about alternative fertilizers and chemicals, and more environmentally friendly insecticides and herbicides are in demand.


You may be asking yourself the question—what, exactly, is a native plant? This is a good question because there seem to be different answers to this seemingly simple question. I like the answer by the Virginia Native Plant Society. VNPS says a native plant existed in Virginia when the settlers arrived. So, why has landscaping with native plants become such a gardening trend? The connection with nature is through native plants. Native trees such as oaks, willows, birches, and maples, and native herbaceous plants such as goldenrod, milkweed, asters, and honeysuckle host numerous caterpillar species that are a vital source of protein for birds. It is crucial to understand how to use native plants in the garden. Plan for various shapes, sizes, and kinds of plants to give vertical structure to the garden and add cover for our birds. Try to plant native plants that bloom continuously throughout the growing season. Remember, don’t deadhead the flowers when they are finished blooming. Seedpods are a valuable food source for birds.


Lifestyles are changing. This is so evident when you see all the construction of new housing condominiums that are springing up everywhere. Not everyone wants to live in a traditional home with many trees. But this latest trend does not mean you can’t enjoy having plants or growing herbs and vegetables. You only need good sunlight from Mother Nature and sound, durable pots. You can grow almost anything in the right location and with the right size pot. So, try it, and I think you will like what you are doing in 2025.


Nothing quite beats the taste of your garden’s homegrown, handpicked fruit and vegetables. The one reason that seems to be driving this landscaping trend is that homeowners are starting to realize that you don’t need to live on a large farm to grow fruits and vegetables. Landscape plants are working double-duty as attractive plants and food producers. If you think about it, it only makes sense. Why not have your flowering trees and shrubs serve double duty by flowering and producing fruit?


What I see trending is people want to cut back on high-maintenance gardening that requires a lot of watering, fertilizing, and too many chemicals. Another strong trend with low-maintenance landscaping is to let plants grow naturally—no pruning. For this trend to work, you’ll need to pay close attention to the growing habits and dimensions of the plant and then plant accordingly. Just let the plant do its own thing and enjoy.


Vegetable growing continues to be a popular and strong gardening trend. As we begin 2025, I see no end to this trend. One reason for its popularity is that people like to know how their food is grown. Another is that vegetable growing can be done in containers on any patio, deck, or balcony.

My challenge to you is to start thinking about my list of gardening trends and whether any or all is something you want to learn more about and maybe try in 2025. Through 2025, I will be expounding in more depth and detail with some, if not all, these plant and gardening trends as topics in my future blogs.


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