August Gardening Tasks and Thoughts


August is a great month to get organized as to what you want to do to your lawn and garden come September. To recap the month of July: Yes, July was typically a hot month. But it was not a dry month like June. In fact, July gave us above-average rainfall. We indeed needed this since June was so hot and so dry.

So here is a list of some August gardening chores that should be done this month to take advantage of the upcoming Fall planting season.

  1. September is the first month for the S.O.D. (September, October, December) cool season lawn seeding and fertilizing. However, August is a good month to get ready by getting a soil test of your turf lawn soil. It is also a good time to aerate the soil and rake up any thatch. Do you know your soil pH?
  2. Do you have peonies? Are they flowering up to your expectations? If not, they may be overcrowded and need to be divided. Late August is an ideal time to dig up and divide peonies.
  3. According to Virginia Tech’s Pruning Calendar, roses are the only plants recommended for trimming in August. You can give your roses their last feeding of the season.
  4. Your flowering annuals may be looking a little leggy and worn out. August is a good time to cut them back hard and fertilize them to promote a new flush of growth and blooms. Annuals will last through most of the fall until we have a hard, killing frost.  Then you will be ready to plant the winter hardy pansies for continuing color in your gardens or containers.
  5. Our new fall 2024 flower and vegetable seeds will soon be arriving as well as our new fall bulb shipments due in by Labor Day.

So, in a nutshell: Continue to take care of yourself and your plants in the last full month of summer. Come see us if you have any gardening questions or needs. We love the opportunity to serve you.


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