Eight Gardening Tasks for February

So what’s a gardener to do in February? There are some things I can do now to be ready.

Gardening Tasks for February

  1. Check our selection of seeds or, if there is some variety we don’t have, check a gardening catalog: Get your favorites now, in case they sell out later. If you’re like me and can’t wait to get your hands dirty, you can start some seeds indoors. Check the backs of your seed packets for more information.
  2. Get a soil test done: Do this if you haven’t done it for the last couple of years. This will tell you your pH and any nutrients​ your soil might lack.
  3. Clean your gardening tools: Hoes, shovels, pruners, etc. Not only does cleaning mean sterile tools that are not passing on pathogens from plant to plant, but it also helps your tools last longer. Scrub tools with a stiff brush to clean off dirt, then dip your tools into either a diluted bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water) or undiluted isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
  4. Sharpen your pruners: Hey, we have a knife sharpener at our Farmer’s Market every Thursday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., who will do that for you. He does knives, scissors, and garden pruners.
  5. Top-dress your vegetable garden: Use three to four inches of compost to ensure your soil is fresh and ready for summer veggies or flowers.
  6. Prune fruit trees now: You want to prune fruit trees in late winter before they break dormancy. Most plants that need pruning can be pruned now.
  7. Begin feeding indoor plants mid-February: By mid-February, our days are over an hour longer than before Christmas. Our plants are responding to the increase in light levels by waking up a bit and are ready to begin active growth for the year.
  8. Clean up: Clean out any leftover garden debris, including weeds.

​Easier Summer Gardening Ahead!

So, yes, there are things you can do now to make summer gardening easier. Enjoy!

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