DOUG’S GARDENING BLOG – March Gardening Checklist


March has finally arrived. I love having more daylight making our days seem longer. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME begins this Sunday, March 8, which will make evening hours lighter.

We have had such a mild winter so far. I wish I had a crystal ball to see what our weather will be for the month of March. I know we have a couple of days in the ’70s this week, which I am enjoying. However, a couple of years ago we had a cold, wet, and wintry March. Let’s hope for the best. As you can see driving around that we have plants beginning to grow and bloom. A Weeping Willow in my neighborhood is leafing out. I think it is safe to say that our plants are two to three weeks ahead of schedule which goes to prove that we need to follow Mother Nature and not just a calendar to tell us what needs to be done and when.


  1. If you have not done so already, now is the time to apply a pre-emergent crabgrass preventer on the lawn. One product that I would like for you to consider is the ESPOMA ORGANIC WEED PREVENTER with CORN GLUTEN. This product keeps crabgrass seed from germinating as well as other lawn weeds. How it works is that it keep the sprouted weeds from generating any root system. More and more homeowners are turning to more organic products in gardening. How about you?
  2. Are you ready for vegetable gardening? I sure am. You can be planting cole crop vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, kale, etc. now. Consider growing these vegetables in containers. I have been doing vegetable container gardening for years. I love it.
  3. March is the month to prune evergreen shrubs such as boxwood, hollies, laurels, and others – ONLY IF THEY NEED TO BE PRUNED! Keep in mind that you only want to prune 1/3 the size. A fun project is to take some of your clippings and try to root them. Get some rooting hormone powder. This could be a fun, educational project with kids.
  4. Are your gardening tools ready for spring? Cleaning and sharpening is a good idea this time of year. Our SPRING GARDENERS FAIR is Saturday, March 7th. One of our many guests is the company SHARP AGAIN. They will be here from 10 to 2 to sharpen tools, kitchen knives, scissors, etc.  Very convenient.
  5. Now is a good time to trim up your liriope “monkey grass” to get it looking good for the upcoming growing season.
  6. If you have been fighting weeds in the garden beds then consider the product PREEN. Preen will keep weeds from germinating and, at the same time, will not harm your shrubs.

HAPPY MARCH and remember, “PLANT A LITTLE HAPPINESS” this spring.

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2 thoughts on “DOUG’S GARDENING BLOG – March Gardening Checklist”

  1. LOVE the “garden calendar” “what we should be doing now” updates. Thanks, Doug! I’m in a north-faving house but first daf popped open in back yard today.

    As a BIG Prince fan (?) — and I’m now a gardener — I stay mindful of his song, “Sometimes it snows in April.” While, certainly more fitting for his former home on MN. Good to temper excitement during March… and as you said: use Mother Nature more than the calendar, as a guide.

    Thanks as always!
    From Silver Spring

    • Wendy,
      Good to hear from you. I love you sharing the Prince song and comment. That’s great. And, don’t worry about typos ( LOL ). Doug

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