December Gardening Tasks and Thoughts

It’s the last month of the year! Mother Nature is being very kind to us as we enter December. ‘Tis the season for so many gardening chores and tasks.

How about this weather? I wrote a blog on “Where’s the cold weather?” a month ago. Well, it finally arrived over Thanksgiving weekend. We also had some good, timely rainfall along with these colder temperatures. I finally had a frost that did in my summer annuals.

I mentioned in a blog a couple of weeks ago that leaves continue to fall from our trees. Please consider not bagging these leaves. These fallen leaves can be very beneficial to our gardens and to many beneficial insects.

Do you still have spring-blooming bulbs to plant, such as daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths? That is no problem because December is still a good month to plant bulbs. I just did a soil temperature test. Our soil is registering 48 degrees, even after the cold weekend. With this warm soil temperature, there is no reason not to plant here in early December.

Remember to feed our feathered friends. My two birdfeeders are very active. I love sitting at my kitchen window and watching the birds gather on the feeders. In addition to food, birds need water. If you have a birdbath, consider putting a water heater in it to keep it from freezing. The birds will love you for this effort.

If we should get snow this month—here is a tip: coat your snow shovel with a “no-stick” cooking spray, like Pam. The snow will slide right off.

On nice days this month, find time to get outside and enjoy nature.

HAPPY GARDENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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