Mid-Summer Blooming Perennials


MY TOP 5 FAVORITE SUMMER BLOOMING PERENNIALS FOR JULY It is now the end of July, and we are halfway through summer. Typically, the end of July and August can be our hottest and driest months of the year. But, we have many very hardy perennials that love this time of year. It is their … Read more

Dividing Bearded Iris

Now is the time to begin dividing bearded iris plants

DIVIDE IRISES EVERY FEW YEARS Here we are in late July. If your irises are like mine, they are beginning to go dormant with the summer heat and have yellow foliage. Now is the time to consider dividing. Iris plants are a popular garden flower, but every few years, they need to be divided and … Read more

Summer Heat

Gardening in the summer can cause heat stress

GARDENING AND YOUR HEALTH It’s mid-July, and it’s hot, humid, and dry. Summer weather can adversely affect gardeners who work outside caring for their plants. To understand how to reduce or minimize heat stress or heat-related illnesses, we must first understand what causes heat stress and when it is most likely to occur. Heat stress … Read more

Tips for a Water Wise Garden

Proper watering is important. Follow these water-wise tips.

HERE ARE SOME SMART & LOGICAL WATER-SAVING TIPS It is now early to mid-July, and we all know what that means in Virginia regarding the heat and dryness. Here are some smart, logical water-saving tips to practice to keep all our plants happy and thriving: WATER INFREQUENTLY, SLOWLY, DEEPLY, AND THOROUGHLY This will encourage deeper … Read more

Summer is Here! Gardening Tips for July

July gardening chores

WHAT GARDENERS CAN DO AND SHOULD DO THIS MONTH Here we are in July, the “DOG DAYS OF SUMMER!” You may be asking yourself, why summer is called the dog days of summer? Good question! This year, July 3rd through August 11th are the official dog days of summer. This period of time is in … Read more

Identifying Insect Damage

Summer warmth brings new insect damage to our plants

WHAT TO DO ABOUT CONTROLLING THE DAMAGE Now that we are in late June, all of us have done a lot of new planting of shrubs, trees, annuals, vegetables, and perennials. In doing all this planting, what we did was to lay out the best smorgasbord of food for various insects. The BIG question is … Read more

My Perennial Highlight – Butterfly Weed

Butterfly weed

JUNE IS PERENNIAL GARDENING MONTH, SO SEEMS ONLY FITTING TO HIGHLIGHT A PERENNIAL Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly Weed For me, this was an easy choice. The common name for Asclepias tuberosa is Butterfly Milkweed or Butterfly Weed. This very hardy, native perennial has become so popular with gardeners over the past decade. I have learned … Read more

June Gardening Tasks and Thoughts

June Gardening Tasks

JUNE 1 IS THE “UNOFFICIAL” START TO SUMMER ​May ended up by being a very good month for gardeners. We had good timely rainfall throughout the entire month. We had no late frosty nights and we did not have many extremely hot days. So, May was good to us.  Our soil temperature is now 73 … Read more

Eat Your Flowers

A salad of edible flowers and salad greens

EDIBLE FLOWERS: AN “EVER-GROWING” CUISINE TREND Here we are ready to go into June. This time of year our landscape is bursting with beautiful colors from all types of flowers. Have you ever heard of Flower Cookery? Believe it or not, more and more customers are looking for and inquiring about edible flowers. Flower cookery … Read more

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