The Alternative Product to Round-Up

Like me, many of you may have read the most recent news article claiming that the active ingredient in the widely used weed killer Roundup can cause cancer.  Some studies have shown that there is a higher risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for people exposed to glyphosate-based formulas. Conversely, there are many studies –scientific and medical – which … Read more

Moles, Why Now?

Moles burring up from the ground

It is only mid-February and many customers have come into the garden center or called the store with concerns about seeing their lawns being torn up with mole tunnels.   The customers are wondering, why now?  With the cold winter we are having, aren’t the grub worms still down deep in our soil? A COMMON QUESTION  … Read more


Various colors of cyclamen on display

If you have a Cyclamen now or you want to try cyclamen for big, bold winter color, here are some care tips to keep in mind for this plant. First, are you aware that Cyclamen plants are actual a bulb, called a corn, planted in the soil?  Keep this information in mind as you continue … Read more

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