January Garden Tips From Doug

January garden tips

I am posting this blog in early January. Spring starts on Thursday, March 20, just over 70 days away. There are a lot of chores to do this month. For a good reason, January is National Garden Catalogue Month. The colder winter days of January are an excellent time to sit down and write down … Read more

Holiday Plants

Cyclamen are just some of the holiday plants you can get at the Great Big Greenhouse

TIS THE SEASON FOR HOLIDAY PLANTS We are now into the third week of December. It seems that everyone has the holidays on their minds. With that mindset, many people are looking at all the beautiful and popular holiday plants. Here is a brief rundown of some of the most popular holiday plants and some … Read more

Gifts for Gardeners

The Great Big Greenhouse is your one-stop for your gifts for gardeners

Tis the Season I have fun writing this blog, and it’s one of my favorites. I would love to use this theme in one of my TV segments on NBC 12. Shopping for gardeners can be easy. Just visit us at The Great Big Greenhouse. The sky is the limit when finding new and unique … Read more

December Gardening Tasks and Thoughts

December gardening chores, tips and thoughts

It’s the last month of the year! Mother Nature is being very kind to us as we enter December. ‘Tis the season for so many gardening chores and tasks. How about this weather? I wrote a blog on “Where’s the cold weather?” a month ago. Well, it finally arrived over Thanksgiving weekend. We also had … Read more

Holiday Greenery

Now is the time to gather evergreen clippings for your holiday greenery

FINDING ITEMS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GREENERY CAN BE FOUND IN YOUR YARD Here we are in the last week of November. Many of us are concentrating on decorating our homes or offices for the holiday season, which is upon us. Finding fresh greenery to use in decorating is as easy as strolling through your gardens. … Read more

November Gardening Chores and Thoughts

November gardening chores. Where's the first November frost?

HERE WE ARE IN NOVEMBER, WITH THE HOLIDAYS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, AND WE STILL HAVE GREAT WEATHER But the only downside to this early November warming trend is that we are drier than normal. KEEP ALL THESE NEWLY PLANTED PLANTS WATERED! We need to continue watering new trees and shrubs until the ground freezes. … Read more

November and Our First Frost

November gardening chores. Where's the first November frost?

WHERE’S THE COLD WEATHER? Here we are in early November and experiencing a nice warming trend. Yes, we have had some cold nights with temperatures down into the low 40s and upper 30s. And, yes, some of you have experienced a frost. But most of us in the Richmond area and surrounding suburbs have yet … Read more

Why Do Leaves Change Color

Why do fall leaves change color?

WITH OCTOBER COMES SOME BEAUTIFUL FALL COLOR IN VIRGINIA Have you ever wondered why leaves change color this time of year? And, how boring it would be if all leaves had the same color in the fall. Here we are in mid-October. We are having a hot spell this week which makes it feel like … Read more

It’s Time For Birding – Yeah!

Now is the time for birding and feeding your feathered friends

A quick guide and facts to feeding and enjoying our feathered friend Like many people, I am a seasonal bird feeder. I like to start feeding birds in the fall and go through the winter. September through March is a difficult time for birds, as many natural sources of food disappear in the winter months. … Read more

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