BONNIE’S GARDEN – Repelling Mosquitoes

I’m getting so many people these days looking for plants that repel mosquitoes, that I thought it was time to repeat this blog. Swirling cloaks, spooky music, and a voice with a Hungarian accent saying “Good E-e-e-vening.” Or incredibly annoying little insects buzzing around your face and feasting on every square inch of exposed flesh. … Read more

7 Things You Need To Know About Tomatoes

Seems like almost every day, I get asked: “What do I have to do to be successful with my tomatoes?” So here are a few things we need to know. Tomatoes need FULL sun! Anything less and their productivity goes down. If you only get five hours of good, strong, midday sun, you’ll still get … Read more

Growing Pumpkins

Pumpkins laid out for sale

I’ve had several customers this week asking about growing pumpkins—and when to plant for a Halloween harvest.  So here’s some information about pumpkins… Pumpkins are members of the cucurbit family—that means they are related to squash, cucumbers, and melons. They were a food crop cultivated by Native Americans long before the European settlers ever arrived.  … Read more

Asparagus: The King of Vegetables

Stalks for fresh asparagus

What vegetable is low in calories, high in fiber, a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, was grown by George Washington at Mt. Vernon and by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello—and tastes delicious?  Asparagus, of course! The Roman emperor Augustus actually had an Asparagus Fleet—a fleet of ships whose job was to locate and bring … Read more

Grow Your Own Strawberry Patch

A basket of strawberries in the middle of a strawberry patch

Yes, it is Strawberry season—the plants are now available for you to start your own strawberry patch.  So how do we do that? Strawberries are perennials so choose a permanent sunny place where they can stay.   Strawberry plants come in little bundles of “crowns”.  A crown is the growing point of the plant with … Read more

A Few Tips on Repotting

Potted houseplants

Because February is Houseplant Month here at the Great Big Greenhouse and we offer free repotting for the month, we’ve been spending a lot of time with our hands buried up to the wrist in potting soil.  So let us share with you a few observations. When you buy a new houseplant, it doesn’t usually … Read more

Groundhogs, Woodchucks, Whistle Pigs?

Groundhog chewing on some grass

This coming Friday is Groundhog’s Day.  So here are a few interesting facts about Groundhogs… Groundhogs are not related to hogs at all but are marmots closely related to squirrels.  They are basically a giant ground squirrel. They’re widely distributed across North America from northern Alabama all the way up to Alaska. They truly hibernate … Read more

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