April is National Garden Month

April is National Gardening Month. No wonder–Forsythia, redbuds, Bradford pears, daffodils, and tulips are blooming everywhere you look.  Right now my own yard is a riot of color—the lush rose pink of the redbud, the sunny yellow of the forsythia and daffodils, the little patches of rich blue muscari and light blue starflowers, and the … Read more

Got Shade?

Living with a forty foot tall maple in the front yard, a huge redbud on one side and an entire hill of oaks and maples behind, I’ve become (out of necessity) a fan of shade tolerant flowers.  I thought I’d share with you some of my favorites—annuals, perennials, bulbs. Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis):  Dainty nodding bells will … Read more

Asparagus: The King of Vegetables

Stalks for fresh asparagus

What vegetable is low in calories, high in fiber, a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, was grown by George Washington at Mt. Vernon and by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello—and tastes delicious?  Asparagus, of course! The Roman emperor Augustus actually had an Asparagus Fleet—a fleet of ships whose job was to locate and bring … Read more

Grow Your Own Strawberry Patch

A basket of strawberries in the middle of a strawberry patch

Yes, it is Strawberry season—the plants are now available for you to start your own strawberry patch.  So how do we do that? Strawberries are perennials so choose a permanent sunny place where they can stay.   Strawberry plants come in little bundles of “crowns”.  A crown is the growing point of the plant with … Read more

National Strawberry Day

Fresh strawberries for National Strawberry Day

Did you know that February 27th is National Strawberry Day?  So my favorite fruit has its own day.  To celebrate, I think I’ll have a strawberry milkshake.  For starters…. So here are a few interesting facts about strawberries:  Strawberries are related to roses.  That means they’re also related to apples, plums, peaches, apricots, raspberries, blackberries, and … Read more

Valentine’s Day: A Day for Romance, or Revelry

A box of chocolates for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day:  A day of gentle sighs, pink ribbons, red roses—or a pagan festival rich with drunken revelry and young men and women being matched up by lottery—at last for the duration of the festival? The ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia was celebrated every year on February 15th.  It was a festival of fertility in … Read more

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