BONNIE’S GARDEN – Home-grown Tomatoes

Home-grown tomatoes

Is anything more “summery” than that first bite of a “home-grown” tomato? So here are a few facts: Tomatoes are native to Peru and were an important food crop of the Aztec Indians. The Aztec name for tomato is “tomatl” meaning “fat thing.” The botanical name is Solanum Lycopersicum, meaning “wolf Peach.” According to Wikipedia, … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – Praying Mantis

A perched praying mantis

When I was a child, I was terrified of praying mantises. I thought they looked like little mini-space aliens. And I really didn’t like the way they’d turn their head to look right at you. As an adult, I developed a respect for these hungry little predators. Praying mantises are related to cockroaches and termites. … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – Dealing with Squirrels

Squirrels in the garden

A couple of weeks ago, I did a blog on repelling mosquitoes. I had a customer come in and say her biggest problem was not mosquitoes—it was squirrels. So here’s how to live with them. First, Some Interesting Facts The word ‘squirrel’ comes from the Anglo-Norman word “esquirel’ meaning ‘shadow-tailed.’ They are native to every … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – How to Repel Mosquitoes

There are plenty of natural mosquito repellents you can use in your garden

I’m getting so many people these days looking for plants that repel mosquitoes, so here you go: Citronella Citronella-scented geraniums are pretty, lacy-leaved members of the geranium family that contain citronella oil. Mosquitoes don’t like them. Other lemon-scented herbs that also contain citronella oil are lemon thyme, lemon balm, and lemongrass.  The lemongrass and citronella-scented … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – Can We Celebrate Earth Day Every Day?

Celebrate Earth Day

This coming Friday, April 22 is Earth Day Earth Day was established in 1969 at a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) conference in San Francisco, California. In March of 1970, a sanctioned Proclamation was signed at the U. N. by Secretary-General U Thant giving official United Nations recognition. In the 1950s, the … Read more



I have a raised bed at the front of my yard, just under a large maple tree. I used to grow impatiens there. They did great in the shade; however, they are thirsty little plants. By mid-summer I was having to water every single solitary day—and if it was a little on the hot and … Read more

BONNIE’S GARDEN – Grow an Elephant…Ear, That Is

Elephant ears

Elephant ears have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years as a food crop—making it one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. The botanical name is Colocasia esculenta—esculenta comes from the Latin word for edible. It’s toxic when raw due to calcium oxalate crystals, but edible when cooked. On the other hand, I’m … Read more

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