November Gardening Tasks

November gardening chores

THE MUCH-NEEDED GARDENING TASKS TO BE DONE THIS MONTH Let’s first do a little re-cap of October.  We have gotten some timely rainfall in the second half of October which is much needed.  Also, we had one of the coolest October in many years.  Around the 19th and 20th of October we had freezing weather … Read more

Thinking Ahead

A winter gardens setup

WHAT SHOULD WE BE DOING TO PREPARE OUR GARDENS FOR WINTER Here we are in November. Our plants have been working very hard these past months to impress us with their beauty and to make us happy that they are in our landscape. But, now these plants are ready for a break and a nap. … Read more

To Prune Or Not To Prune – That Is The Question

We should avoid any pruning in October to avoid unnecessary complications

QUICK ANSWER – NOT!! Here we are in the middle of October. The air has cooled down. Leaves are changing color and falling. It’s a beautiful sight! I love fall. When it comes to pruning, we need to control our eagerness with our pruners and loppers. There is something about fall that gets people to … Read more

October Gardening Tasks for 2022

It's now time to start with your October gardening chores

FALL IS IN THE AIR WITH SHORTER DAYLIGHT HOURS AND COOLER TEMPERATURES Thank goodness for Tropical Storm Ian bringing us some much-needed rainfall. Up until Ian, September was very dry for us. As a matter of fact, as of September 28th, we have only had less than an inch of rain for the entire month … Read more

Professor Doug’s Nursery School

A group of children celebrating while learning about gardening terms

UNDERSTANDING GARDENING TERMINOLGIES Professor Doug here. Our local schools are now back in session for the new year. I thought that it was only fitting that we do some school work as well with gardening terms. I always stress knowledge being a major key to being a successful gardener. Knowing plant terminology is a major … Read more

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