Cabbage Loopers and Cabbage Worms

Here’s How to Protect Your Fall Veggies

This is the perfect time of year for cool-season veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cabbages, arugula, radishes, and collards. Unfortunately, it also makes it the perfect time of year for Cabbage Loopers and Cabbage worms. They love to munch on all members of the cabbage family, and all the fabulous veggies I mentioned are all members of the Brassica family—this makes them Cabbage worms’ favorite food.

The Problem: Cabbage Worms and Cabbage Loopers

Cabbage worms and Cabbage Loopers (both caterpillars) are voracious feeders that can quickly turn your leaves into lacework. As always, the best treatment is prevention! If you see small white butterflies earlier in the season and they are fluttering around your brassicas, then start looking for the eggs. They lay one egg on the back of a leaf, so you have to have a sharp eye.

What You’ll See

The eggs hatch in a few days to either a fuzzy green caterpillar (the Cabbage worm) or an “inch-worm” type caterpillar (the Cabbage Looper). At this stage, you can hand-pick (they don’t bite or sting) or, if inundated, spray with an organic spray (like Neem Oil), but do remember to spray just before dark–bees and butterflies are still out and about so spraying just before dark gives them a chance to go home first.

You can also use row covers to cover your brassicas. Sprinkling plants with diatomaceous earth can also help deter Cabbage worms and Loopers.

Make Sure YOU Get These Fall Veggies

Nothing can beat fresh broccoli, arugula, or cabbages you picked in the yard, so keeping on top of pests is the best way to ensure YOU get those delicious veggies rather than those pesky Cabbage worms or Loopers!

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