Surprising Facts About Tomatoes

Tomatoes. The quintessential summer vegetable. But wait, it’s not a vegetable at all! Botanically, it’s a fruit! And not just a fruit, but a berry!

So here are some other interesting facts about this quintessential summer berry:

Tomatoes – the 80,000-Year-Old Treat

Tomatoes are truly American, originating in South America over 80,000 years ago. The Aztec name for tomato (tomatl) means “Plump Thing with Navel.” The botanical name is Lycopersicon lycosericum, which means “Wolf Peach.”

Europe Discovers Tomatoes

Tomatoes were first introduced to Europe in the 1600s. The first tomatoes introduced were yellow cherry tomatoes. The French thought they were aphrodisiacs and called them “Love Apples.”

Tomatoes Family Tree

Tomatoes are members of the Solanaceae family. This makes them related to potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, petunias and tobacco. This also makes them related to Jimson Weed and the Deadly Nightshade. Tomatoes contain solanine—a substance that can cause gastrointestinal distress which is why we are not supposed to the stems or leaves, or green tomatoes, unless they have been cooked first.

The Colorful “Fruit”

Tomatoes don’t just come in red but also in yellow, pink, orange, purple and white.

Potential Health Benefits

Tomatoes are a very good source of  lycopene—this makes them a powerful anti-inflammatory. They are also high in vitamin C, K, potassium and folates. This also makes them heart-healthy and gives them some anti-cancer properties.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest tomato officially weighed in at 11.65 pounds and was grown by a couple in Minnesota.

Let’s Enjoy These Tasty “Fruits”

In the meantime, the most important thing for us to know is that they are delicious.

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