LET’S TALK GARDENING – August Gardening Chores


July turned out to be just that “JULY” — hot, humid, and a little on the dry side. But, hey, it is summer in Virginia. On the bright side of things, we are now one month closer to being September and the great Fall planting season.

  1. LAWN CARE–August is a good month to aerate your lawn. We recommend core aeration. Core aeration pulls out small plugs of soil which improves soil compaction and allows oxygen to get to the soil.
  2. After aeration–August is a good month to apply some lime to your turf – IF NEEDED. A good pH for lawns is around 6.5.
  3. How do you learn the pH of your lawn soil? August is a good month to do a SOIL TEST. Come see us and buy a soil test kit. Follow the simple instructions and mail off your soil to the laboratory. You will have the complete soil analysis results within two weeks. Come see us for the soil kits.
  4. FALL IS FOR PLANTING–August is a good month to use to plan out your planting strategy come September. Do your homework in August. Do your plant research and you will be ready for planting. Fall is the best time to plant and transplant new shrubs and trees because roots can get more established this fall and have nine months for root development before summer’s heat arrives again in 2022.
  5. We are gearing up for the upcoming fall planting season. New vegetable and flower seeds are arriving.
  6. Give your roses their final feeding of the blooming season. Roses will put on a spectacular show of color in the fall when we cool down from the summer heat.
  7. Your summer-blooming annuals may begin to look leggy and worn out. Don’t give up on them just yet. Give your summer-blooming annuals a haircut. And, then fertilize. Trimming and feeding will revitalize them and they will bloom beautifully until the first killing frost.


1 thought on “LET’S TALK GARDENING – August Gardening Chores”

  1. Hi, my hydrangeas bloomed for the first time in years, however, most of the blooms are at the bottom of the plants. Tops are very high and loaded with leaves. About 4 – 5 ft. Last year I trimmed them way back in late August like you said. Do I do that again this year? Dolores

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