GARDEN TIME with DOUG – Fall Is the Best Time to Plant a Shade Tree


September is here in just a few days. September is the month that kicks off the FALL IS FOR PLANTING season. Fall is the best time to plant shade trees. After all the hot days this past couple of months, shade can make life in Virginia more bearable.

One strong reason why fall is an excellent time to plant is that any shrub or tree planted this fall and winter will have nearly nine months to get established before next summer’s heat challenges.

Planting trees in our neighborhood really is one of the best things we can do for our local environment and for the planet. It is no secret that trees help our environment, but you may be surprised by all the benefits that planting trees can provide such as social, economic, and environmental benefits.

Here are some of the main reasons that planting trees helps our environment:

  • Trees are like the lungs of the planet. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.
  • Trees provide habitat for our beloved birds and other wildlife.
  • Trees absorb sound.
  • Trees provide shade. The air under a tree is typically 10 degrees lower than it is under any manmade shade structure. Proper use and placement of deciduous shrubs and trees can modify the climate around our home and reduce heat gains in the summer and heat losses in winter. Simply put, when trees and shrubs are in leaf they will give our home shade during the hot summer months. The Arbor Day Foundation states that the overall effect of the shade created by planting a healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners running 20 hours a day.
  • Trees help water to drain away. Removing excess water is important for preventing soil erosion, which hurts plants. If you have areas on your property that are boggy or soggy then consider planting a tree. Weeping Willow is an example of one tree that can suck up a fair amount of water.

Simply put, we need to plant more trees. We may not reap all the benefits of planting trees in our lifetime, but our future generations will thank us for being so caring for our environment.


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4 thoughts on “GARDEN TIME with DOUG – Fall Is the Best Time to Plant a Shade Tree”

  1. I live in zone 6, Cleveland Ohio and looking to plant a faster growing shade tree this fall. I would like eventually to sit under it and maybe hang a kids swing from it. I’m looking for something that is not “messy” without fruit. We have a few maples in our yard and looking for something different. I’d appreciate your help. Thanks

    • Good Morning, Karen – Maple trees may be the best option as a quick growing shade tree, especially if you hope to be able to sit under it and swing from it. You are planting for the future. Oaks will grow too slow. Beech trees could be an option. And, the Honey Locust. Good luck. I hope you find the right tree and take advantage of this fall planting season. Doug

  2. Hi Doug, the tree you have in your featured picture with the perfect rounded top and the green leaves. What kind of tree is that?

    • Lorraine,
      Good Afternoon.
      To be honest, I don’t know what the tree was that was used with this blog. It was a stock photo that was pulled up and used with my blog. Doug

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