Learn About Corn Gluten

Don’t worry, it’s not the food ingredient everyone’s trying to avoid! In this case, “Gluten-Free” is NOT the goal! Corn Gluten is an all-natural by-product of the production of corn starch. It prevents the establishment of weeds and supplies a source of organic nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes green growth in lawns and the nitrogen in corn… Read More

How to Protect Your Tender Plants This Winter

“Bundle up!” We all heard this from our moms when we went out to play in the winter snow and winds. The same advice applies to your tender and newer outdoor plantings. The frigid northern winds and freezing nighttime temps can damage or kill those perennials, shrubs, and trees that are more marginal in our… Read More

How Do You Identify & Assess Winter Damage to Plants?

It’s not unusual for some trees, shrubs, and perennials in the Mid-Atlantic region to look badly damaged, sick, or even dead after the cold winter months. Just because the leaves are brown, droopy, or sickly-looking does not necessarily mean the plant is dead. In some cases, these ugly brown leaves will fall off and sprout… Read More