Fall is the season to think of spring-flowering bulbs—colorful tulips, cheerful daffodils, fragrant hyacinths. To help make your spring garden as trouble-free as possible, we answered some of the most commonly asked questions here. For a list of recommended spring-blooming bulbs, visit Types of Spring-Blooming Bulbs in our information archive.

When to plant bulbs for spring flowers in the Mid-Atlantic?

In our region, most bulbs can go in anytime from October through Thanksgiving. Tulips should wait until mid-November, or when soil temperatures get to below 50°F, and you can plant as late as Christmas.

How should the soil be prepared?

Amend soil with organic planting mix or composted manure, and work in thoroughly. Then you can further amend with coarse builder’s sand or PermaTill® in poorly draining areas. Prepare soil 8 to 10 inches deep (for tulips, 12 inches).

How deep should you plant your bulbs?

Planting depth will vary significantly based on variety, so be sure to get directions when you buy your bulbs. As a rule of thumb, plant small ones (dime to nickel-sized) 4 inches deep; daffodils, hyacinths, and the larger alliums go 6 inches deep; plant tulips 10 to 12 inches deep.

When will fall-planted bulbs bloom?

Blooming times can vary depending on factors like climate and specific bulb varieties.

Early Spring Bloomers:

  • Winter aconite
  • Snowdrops
  • Species crocus
  • Chionodoxa
  • Iris reticulata
  • Early daffodils
  • Early tulips

Mid-Spring Bloomers:

  • Muscari
  • Anemones
  • Fritillaria
  • Triumph and Darwin-Hybrid Tulips
  • Most daffodils

Late Spring Bloomers:

  • Late-blooming daffodil varieties
  • Single Late, Parrot, and Lily-flowering tulips
  • Dutch Iris
  • Scilla (Wood Hyacinths)
  • Alliums

Fall-Flowering Bulbs for Color:

  • Lycoris (Spider Lilies, Magic Lilies, or Naked Ladies)
  • Hardy Cyclamen
  • Sunny yellow Sternbergia
  • Colchicum
  • Fall-blooming Crocus

Are there bulbs that will tolerate shade?

Try cheery little Muscari (Grape hyacinths), dainty white Galanthus (Snowdrops), or your favorite daffodil varieties. Other bulbs include the nodding flowers of Fritillaria meleagris (Checker Lily), Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem), and the May-flowering Wood Hyacinths and English Bluebells. Spring flowering Lily-of-the-Valley pips are available in February. Areas under deciduous trees, like oaks and maples, will often get full sun in early spring, before trees fully leaf out, and may support early-blooming sun-loving varieties.

Do I need to fertilize bulbs?

Absolutely! Most spring-flowering bulbs benefit from a fall feeding (around mid- or late-October) with 10-10-10 lawn food. If you prefer organic fertilizers, top-dress with composted cow manure in mid-fall or with Espoma Organic’s Bone Meal or Bulb-tone. Feed again in the spring, about the time the leaves are just barely visible. Remember to water the fertilizer in lightly to ensure it begins to work into the soil.

How can I improve an existing bulb bed?

If your bulbs are not blooming well, make sure to plant them at the right depth for the variety, and that they are receiving the proper amount of sun. If they have been in the ground for more than two years, you may need to dig and divide—best done in late spring when the foliage has yellowed or in early fall. Replant in soil with good organic matter added. Begin fall and spring fertilizing. Make sure not to remove ripening foliage until it is mostly yellowed.

What should I do once the bulbs have finished blooming?

Remove old or spent flowers, but NEVER remove leaves until they’ve yellowed and begun to flatten on their own. Do not tie leaves in knots or bunch them together with rubber bands. The leaves need to grow undisturbed so that energy gets transferred back to the bulb. Tuck leaves gently behind taller plants to hide unattractive foliage. Consider interplanting with perennials and groundcovers–their emerging spring leaves will help hide fading bulb foliage.

When is the best time to transplant bulbs?

In Holland, they dig bulbs to be moved at the end of spring and store them in a cool place until fall (an air-conditioned house, for example). You may also dig in early fall, then replant immediately.

What can I do about rodent problems?

Rodents such as squirrels, chipmunks, moles, or voles, can be a problem for some varieties of bulbs. Try planting Colchicum or daffodils, which are poisonous and shouldn’t be bothered. You can also interplant these bulbs with more susceptible varieties to offer some protection. Alliums and Fritillarias are usually safe because of their unpleasant taste or odor. Minimize tulip loss by planting them 10 to 12 inches deep.

If drastic measures are necessary, try mixing sharp sand or small stones, or a commercial product called Perma Till, with your soil, or try lining your flowerbed with wire mesh. To repel deer and rabbits from munching on flowers or leaves, try spraying with the unpleasant-tasting Hot Pepper Wax, or use one of the commercial repellents, like Messina Environmental’s line of Animal Stopper products.

How can I make bulbs flower indoors?

To force most bulbs, choose early-blooming varieties or varieties that specifically say “suitable for indoor forcing.” Plant bulbs in pots, close to the surface of the soil, covering just to the tip. Water the bulbs well and then place with pot and all in the refrigerator. Keep refrigerated for ten weeks for crocus, 14 weeks for daffodils, and 16 weeks for most tulips. Check once or twice for water. After the chilling period, move the pot into a warm, sunny window.

If you can’t refrigerate, then you can allow Mother Nature to do it for you. Buy bulbs early (in September), and place bulbs in a paper bag in the refrigerator. In November, pot bulbs as described above, and place pots outside in a cold frame or protected area, surrounded by a generous layer of loose mulch, such as dried leaves or pine tags. You can also layer bulbs in larger pots for a lovely spring garden in one.

Choose a container at least ten or more inches deep. Add two or more inches of soil and place tulip bulbs on top. Add enough soil to cover tulips, and put daffodil or hyacinth bulbs on top, adding enough soil to cover. Top with small bulbs like crocus or Muscari, and finish off with enough soil to cover the tips. For added interest, top the pot with pansies in your favorite color.

For the easiest forcing, try Paperwhite Narcissus, which will bloom quickly and with no chilling period necessary. Discard Paperwhites after flowering. Amaryllis is also a reliable indoor bloomer. Be sure to get directions on how to keep these beautiful giants from year to year.

Still have questions about planting fall bulbs in Virginia, West Virginia, or Maryland?

Our knowledgeable staff is here to help. Visit any of our garden centers today for expert advice and personalized recommendations. We’ll guide you through the entire process, from selecting the right bulbs to caring for them throughout the growing season.