Horticultural Oil Sprays in Virginia

In the Mid Atlantic Region, early March is the time to apply Oil Spray to protect fruit trees, shade trees, roses, and vegetables from harmful insects. Meadows Farms recommends Bonide All Season Oil Spray to control the initial infestations of: red spiders, scale, aphids, bud moths, leaf rollers, coddling moths, galls, white flies, mealy bugs,… Read More

Diagnosing Plant Problems

Over-watering Brown or black spots on leaves Stems look mushy Plant is wilted Soil feels wet Under-watering Plant is wilted Soil feels dry Insects Holes in leaves Chewed leaves, distorted leaves Pin-size holes in stem Back of leaves look silvery with tiny black spots Leaves look rusty Fertilizer Too little fertilizer – stunted yellow growth… Read More

Deer Resistant Plants in Virginia

There are many plants that deer don’t like to eat, but there are no deer proof plants that deer will not eat. There are a few generalizations that can be made about plants that deer do not like: Plants with aromatic foliage Plants with thorns or sharp foliage Toxic plants Fuzzy leafed plants Meadows Farms… Read More

Hedge Landscaping Plants in Virginia

Plants can be used to make an effective screen area between landscaping, add security, hide unsightly views or form a sound barrier. The following is a list of plants recommended for screens and hedges. Hedge and Screening Plants over 10 Foot Arborvitae, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Excelsa Arborvitae, Nigra Arborvitae, Green Giant Arborvitae, Zebrina Cedar, Deodora… Read More


Americans plant more turf grass than any other groundcover; however, grass does not do well everywhere. Other groundcovers can be used for areas where growing grass is not practical. This includes steep slopes, narrow or hard to reach locations, areas around shallow-rooted trees, and very shady spots. Good site preparation is essential for giving your… Read More

A front yard landscape with evergreen trees

Landscaping Benefits to Property Values

“As an investment, landscaping can increase the value of your property by as much as 20 percent–if it is done well.” — This Old House magazine “Spending 5 percent of the total value of your home on landscaping, and doing it wisely, can add 15 percent or more to the value of your home.” — Smart Money… Read More

Plants that like it HOT!

Top 8 Plants That Like Heat in Virginia

As the summer heat continues its hold over our area, you may notice some of your spring plantings beginning to wilt, droop, and look sad. Unfortunately, many plants cannot handle the intense heat of our summers. Fortunately, there are many plants that not only tolerate but love the hot weather. Below are eight different plants… Read More

French bulldog with a gloxinia plant

Top 5 Houseplants That Are Safe For Pets

In my time in the nursery, I’ve spoken to many people who never attempted growing houseplants in their homes and offices. Unfortunately, one of the recurring reasons I kept hearing–they owned pets, and so many houseplants are toxic to animals. While it is true that that are many houseplant varieties that can cause toxic effects… Read More