Summertime Watering Tips

Summer time is here and many homeowners like to water their lawns and landscapes to keep the grass green and the plants healthy. Here are some tips to follow for effective and efficient watering. Water in the early morning. This is the time to water because lower temperatures mean less evaporation. It usually is calm… Read More

Butterfly Gardens

How to Make a Butterfly Garden in Virginia

Virginia’s diverse landscapes offer a perfect habitat for a variety of butterflies. By creating a butterfly garden, you can not only enjoy their beauty but also contribute to their conservation. Let’s explore how to attract these winged wonders to your backyard. What Are Butterflies Attracted To? In spring, female butterflies will be mostly concerned with… Read More

Blossom end rot

How To Prevent Blossom End Rot

Nothing is more disheartening than grabbing a beautiful tomato only to find the entire bottom is soft, black, and rotten. Blossom end rot (BER) affects tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, and melons. Caused by insufficient calcium and uneven water during the rapid growth of the plant and its fruit, BER is easily avoidable with the proper… Read More


Succulents, plants that store water in their leaves, stems, trunks, or roots, make easy-care container plants for both outdoor or indoor settings. They grow in many parts of the world, but are generally found in areas with low rainfall, and have adapted to extended dry periods. As container plants, they should receive direct morning or… Read More

Calibrachoa (Million Bells)

Calibrachoa are by far the most popular premium annual on the market due to their versatility in the garden. They resemble miniature petunias and come in a full spectrum of colors. Calibrachoa add excellent “spiller” & “filler” color in any mixed combination planter. They work great in the landscape as border annuals or as a… Read More