My lawn died/browned out over the summer. What should I do?
- Thatch or rake hard with a fan rake to remove debris and dead grass.
- Lime: 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet
- Sow seed
- Cover with a light (1/4 to 1/2″) covering of good soil and rake lightly.
- Fertilize with a lawn starter.
- After second or third mowing, fertilize with Fall Lawn Food.
- KEEP WATERING after second seed germinates, especially if the temperature is over 75-80*.
Do I need to lime?
Yes, at least once a year to ensure healthy lawn development. Apply at the rate of 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
Note: An acre is 44,000 square feet. If you have a half acre lot (22,000 square feet) half of that is probably lawn, with the other half taken up by your house, driveway, beds, etc.
When do I fertilize?
We recommend three fall feedings. September, mid-October, and right before Thanksgiving.
How much seed do I need?
Reseeding: 1 pound per 400 square feet
New Lawn: 1 pound per 300 square feet
When should I water my lawn?
Water in the morning. If you water at night the lawn will stay wet, which promotes disease.
Should I cover my seed with straw?
Yes, to keep new grass from drying out.
Which seed do I need?
Choose your seed according to the following:
- Is your lawn sun or shade?
- Do you have children or pets?
- Are you looking for a fine textured or coarser textured lawn?