Plum Varieties to Grow in Virginia

A fruit tree, once planted, becomes a lasting source of homegrown goodness. Enjoy the sweet reward of growing your own plums right here in Virginia. Here is one of our favorite varieties to consider. Growing Your Own Plums Plums are a popular fruit for cooking, jam-making, bottling, and canning. The sweeter varieties are among the… Read More

Pear Varieties to Grow in Virginia

A fruit tree in your landscape is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. Once you allow a fruit tree to become established, it will provide a bountiful harvest of your favorite fruits that are fresher and so much sweeter than anything you can find in your local supermarket. Today we’re sharing… Read More

Peach Varieties to Grow in Virginia

A fruit tree, once planted, becomes a lasting source of homegrown goodness. Enjoy the sweet reward of a bountiful harvest, far surpassing store-bought produce. Read on for some of our favorite peach varieties to grow in Virginia. Growing Your Own Peaches Peaches are considered the “queen” of the fruits and second only to apples in… Read More

Cherry Varieties to Grow in Virginia

Planting a fruit tree is an investment that repays intself year after year. No, not monetarily, instead with the sweetest fruit you’ve ever tasted! Today, we’re highlighting some of our favorite cherry varieties you can grow right here in Virginia! Growing Your Own Cherries Growing cherry trees is easy, outside of keeping the birds from… Read More

Apple Varieties to Grow in Virginia

A fruit tree in your landscape is a gift that keeps on giving. Once established, it will provide a bountiful harvest of fresh, sweet fruits – far superior to store-bought options. This guide highlights some of the diverse apple varieties you can grow right here in Virginia! Growing Your Own Apples Growing apple trees in… Read More